How It Works.

Three Easy Steps!

Step 1

Lets get to know each other!

Once you have bought your package, we will schedule a video call so we can meet each other face to face and discuss your project in more detail.

To make the most of this call we’d like you to share with us beforehand:

  • Room Photos
  • Basic Room Measurements/Layout

We will also forward onto you our ‘Style Questionnaire’ to fill out and send back to us. This gives us a really good insight into the things you love and what you are trying to achieve.

house interior design

How It Works.

Step 2

Lets get the design juices flowing!

Now that we know each other and have a good idea of what you want we can start the design scheme.

We will send you the following:

  • Concept Board – Showing inspirational images for the room
  • Colour Palette Ideas
  • Layout Plan – Showing how the furniture will fit in the room

This gives you the opportunity to make any tweaks before we do the finishing touches. Once we have your feedback and know we are on the right track, we are ready to work on your final design.

modern interior design

How It Works.

Step 3

Your finished design is ready!

Sit back, grab a cuppa and enjoy looking through your finished design pack. You will now have everything you need to bring your design to life and have the room of your dreams.

Your design pack includes:

  • A personalised moodboard
  • A shopping list with links to all the furniture we have suggested
  • A floorplan drawn to scale, showing how the furniture fits in the space
  • A 2D visualisation
  • 2 weeks post design support
home interior design
Book a Free 10 Minute Discovery Call

Would You like a Chat With a Designer First?

If you're unsure which package to choose, why not book in a 10 minute Discovery Call. During the call we can discuss your project to help you decide the best package for you . For many of our clients this is a great way to help you take the first step in creating an amazing home that tells your story.