‘Ultimate’ – £950 per room
This package is aimed at those who are looking to design a larger multi functioning room such as a Kitchen/Diner/Living Space or, Bedroom and En-suite etc.,.
We help you get the most out of your layout so it works for all the family, figuring out the best way to make it all flow nicely together.
Whats Included?
- Video Call to see your space
45 minute video call to meet you, talk about your ideas & see the space in more detail.
- Inspiration Moodboards
We will produce moodboards for all of the separate spaces, showing how they will work together to create one harmonious space. The moodboards show fabrics, wallpapers, furniture, flooring, lighting, paint colours etc to help you visualise the finished rooms.
- Shopping List
Links to all the items we have suggested on the moodboards so you can purchase them in your own time.
- 2D Visualisation & Floorplans
The 2D Visualisation helps you imagine how the finished rooms will look. The Floorplans are drawn out to scale & show how the furniture will fit in your rooms.
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